Transportation and Registration Information
Registration occurs in person at the Transportation/Registration office located at 87 Wanser Ave, Inwood, NY 11096
Appointments to register can be made by emailing us at or calling (516)295-7065
All appointments must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance.
Some requests can now be done online! Use the links below to complete the appropriate form:
Bus Stop Change Request Form
Child Care Request Form
Bus Concerns Form
The Lawrence School District works diligently to ensure that only students who reside in the District attend its schools. Therefore, if non-residency is suspected, you are encouraged to contact us confidentially at (516) 295-7065.
Please use the links below to access the Public School Registration Packets
Prekindergarten & Kindergarten Registration Packet
Grades 1-12 Registration Packet
Please be advised, all forms must be completed and signed in the designated areas before the packet can be processed. If your forms are not completed, missing required documents or missing signatures. This may delay the registration process.
Once your packet is complete, call or email our office to schedule an appointment to return all required documents.
At this time, documents are not being accepted by e-mail.
To make an appointment to register your child(ren), please email
Please include your name and phone number in the body of the email and the child’s name in the subject line.
The District Registration/Transportation Office at 87 Wanser Avenue in Inwood processes registration requests for all schools. Please e-mail or call (516) 295-7065 from 8:00 am–12:00 noon and 1:30 –3:30 pm.
In order to safeguard the health of your child, to place him or her in the most appropriate program and to conform with New York State law and District policy, the District requires certain information and records. These include:
Original Birth Certificate With Raised Seal Required (No Passports accepted)
Proof of parental relationship - proof of legal guardianship if applicable
Proof of prior school attendance (report card or transcript)
Four (4) proofs of residency (in addition to deed or affidavits). This includes utility bills (including, but not limited to, telephone bill, cable bill, water bill, electric bill, cell phone bill, etc.), vehicle registration, child's medical insurance, 2 recent pay stubs (must be concurrent & show name and address), and/or postal change of address.
Proof of up-to-date immunizations
Proof of current physical examination
Valid Photo ID with current address
Records must be presented, approved and photocopied before your child may be registered.
Children who will be four years old on or before December 1st, will be eligible for entrance into the full day Universal Pre-Kindergarten program at Number Four School. Parents are encouraged to register early as spaces are limited. Please call the transportation/registration office for more information and deadlines.
A child living within the School District whose fifth birthday falls on or before December 1st will be eligible to enter the Kindergarten program in September. Kindergarten registration is held in early February. Public notice is given regarding exact times, dates and places.
To be eligible for first grade, a child’s sixth birthday must fall on or before December 1st.
Above grade one, a transfer student from outside the District is tentatively placed at the grade level indicated on the record furnished by the former school.
Lawrence Public Schools does not provide transportation for students (public & non-public) on the following days:
Labor Day
Columbus Day
Veterans Day
Thanksgiving Day
Friday After Thanksgiving
Christmas Day
New Year’s Day
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Presidents’ Day
Good Friday
Memorial Day
Independence Day
Saturday or Sunday
Note: No transportation will be provided for the above listed holidays on the Federally observed day.
Immunization requirements are based on both Public Health Law and Education law which apply to all students attending school. The links below provide an overview of the New York State Immunization Requirements for School Entrance/Attendance pertaining to the 2021-2022 School Year. All New York State School Districts must review the immunization records of each student enrolled in their district and report annually to the Department of Health. In doing so, the Lawrence Union Free School District is required to identify students who lack the required immunization(s) or students who are not in the process of completing the immunization series with a scheduled age appropriate appointment. Those students identified as not meeting with the requirements will result in exclusion from school within 14 days of attendance. All schools are obliged to enforce the requirements of New York State Public Health Law, Section 2164.
Click here to view the immunization requirements.
Any student who does not meet the above-stated criteria is in violation of New York State Public Health Law, Section 2164, and will not be admitted to school until the student presents satisfactory written evidence of compliance.
Transportation Guidelines
Transportation to the public schools in the District is provided on the basis of the student’s grade and a minimum distance from home to school, unless Child Safety Zones have been authorized by the voters. Distances are measured by the shortest route between home and school of attendance.
The following distances presently apply:
Kindergarten. . . . . All Ride
Grades 1-5. . . . . . 1/2 mile
Grades 6–8 . . . . . 1 mile
Grades 9–12 . . . . 1 1/4 mile
All residents of the Lawrence School District requesting transportation/textbooks for their children who will be attending a non-public school must submit an application on or before April 1st in order to be eligible for the following school year. Late requests or changes in schools will not be honored if it incurs an additional cost to the district.
Transportation for children attending non-public schools is based on the same minimum distances established for public schools. State Education law requires the District to provide transportation to non-public schools up to a maximum of fifteen miles from the student’s home.
The length of time is determined by the number of stops on each bus route. The greater the number of requested stops, the more time it takes. The length of time on a bus may be shortened by having children grouped at different locations.
Students will be dropped off at their assigned stop. Only Kindergarten students will have house stops unless their street is a dead-end. The parent or designated person must be outside to accept the child.
A student only has one bus assignment to and from school. Students are only to use the bus they are assigned to in the morning and afternoon.
Each school has their own assigned buses. From time to time, parents request that each of their children, going to different schools, receive the same bus stops because they are unable to be at different corners at the same time. When we are able to accommodate the request, we will. If we are unable to accommodate the same bus stop, parents will have to make other arrangements.
A child care drop-off may be arranged for students in Grades K-8, if the location is within eligibility distance and within the Lawrence School District. The request for change of drop-off location must be for the five days of the week.
For the safety of our children no play date bus changes will be made.
In an extreme emergency the Transportation Office will make every effort to accommodate the request.
A child has one legal address and bus privileges are to and from that location. Childcare bus changes will be made but only within the Lawrence School District and for the full five days of the week.
There is no NYS Law mandating the use of seat belts but only that seat belts are provided on school buses. If parents want their child belted, they must encourage their child to use their seat belt.
The driver shall write up an incident/behavior report when necessary and the school official will address the issue.

Passing a Stopped School Bus
Section 1174 of the NYS Vehicle and Traffic Law prohibits vehicles from passing a stopped school bus. Every person convicted of a violation shall: for a first conviction be punished by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $400 or by imprisonment for not more than 30 days or by both such fine and imprisonment; for a conviction of a second violation, both of which were committed within a period of 3 years, such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than $600 nor more than $750 or by imprisonment for not more than 180 days or by both such fine and imprisonment; upon a conviction of a third or subsequent violation, all of which were committed within a period of 3 years, such person shall be punished by a fine of not less than $750 nor more than $1,000 or by imprisonment for not more than 180 days or by both such fine and imprisonment.