Updated 8/26/2021
Dear Parents,
Last night was the last kosher food bulk distribution for the Lawrence School District. It has been an amazing opportunity to service the community for the past 15 months.
Thank you to the Lawrence School Board, Murray Forman, Asher Mansdorf, David Sussman, Heshy Blachorsky, Abel Feldhamer, Tova Plaut and Michael Hatten for their commitment to the distribution, their insights to make the program quicker, safer and better and volunteering to help.
Thank you to the Superintendent, Dr. Ann Pedersen. Her guidance and direction brought the program to fruition and led the program to its fullest.
Thank you to Congresswoman Kathleen Rice for her efforts for the program, her assistance throughout the distribution and for joining us for the distribution.
Thank you to State Senator Todd Kaminsky for helping the district for this program and so many others. He and his team have been a valuable resource to the district.
Thank you to Nassau County Executive Laura Curran for her assistance throughout the program.
Thank you to the West Hempstead School District and Hewlett-Woodmere School District for being great partners and neighbors. Thank you to the school leadership and personnel for their weekly volunteering and facilitating.
Thank you to the Police and the Auxiliary Police. The traffic control with the care and concern that they demonstrated allowed for a safe and smooth distribution every week.
Thank you to the New York State Education Department and the Child Nutrition team. Thank you to Kimberly Vumbaco and Jennifer Knapp for their tireless efforts on behalf of the program.
Thank you to Elite Caterers and Shlomo Katz and his crew, who prepared and distributed food ever week rain or shine.
Thank you to the staff at the Lawrence Public Schools who assisted in a myriad of ways.
Thank you to you! Your thank yous, your emails, your waves, and your smiles have made the distribution so much more pleasant.
I am so grateful to have had this opportunity to serve the community.
I wish you and your families a year of health, happiness and success,
With warm appreciation,
Jeremy Feder
Assistant Superintendent
Business & Operations
Lawrence Public Schools
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