***P R E S S R E L E A S E***
Life Skills Culinary at Lawrence High School
LAWRENCE, NEW YORK (February 2022)—This year, Lawrence High School’s Life Skills program added a new elective - Life Skills Culinary. The intent of Life Skills Culinary class is to give students skills related to using common kitchen appliances, cooking, and other culinary skills that can be used throughout their lives.
“Teaching Life Skills to the class is an essential part of these students' education, as important as any other traditional classroom subjects such as English, math, history, and science,” said Dr. Lagnado-Papp, Principal of Lawrence High School. “In this class, we aim to give our students real-life experiences and impart hands-on skills that will help them become more independent and positively impact their adult life. Culinary skills are skills that students will use for the rest of their lives.”
Students in Life Skills Culinary class learn about kitchen hygiene and safety, nutrition, creating a shopping list, unpacking an order, proper storage of perishable and nonperishable items, place settings, following a recipe, and measuring ingredients in addition to the actual cooking that takes place in a kitchen. Students in Life Skills Culinary also learn how to deal with real-life issues that happen in the culinary world such as supply chain problems when it comes to ordering supplies, equipment, and groceries.
“Students have a great time in Life Skills Culinary class,” said Mr. Mark Palladino, Life Skills Culinary instructor. “It’s awesome to see students learn essential skills like creating a grocery list or learning to follow a recipe, and then using those skills to actually prepare a meal. With each lesson, students are becoming more comfortable in the kitchen and using the varied kitchen appliances and tools to craft an original meal.”
For more information about the Lawrence Union Free School District and the latest District news, please visit www.lawrence.org.
Photo 1: Lawrence High School students prepare a cheese mixture for lasagna.
Photo 2: Lawrence High School students decorate sugar cookies.
Photo 3: Lawrence High school student seasoning a brisket
Photo 4: Mr. Mark Palladino, Life Skills Culinary instructor, Freddy Menendez, Ms. Jenni Guberman, classroom aide, Jonathan Vazquez, Joshua (C.J.) Srulovich, Marvin Guerra, Nadine Grossman, Ms. Theresa Philippou, classroom aide, D'Nico English