***P R E S S R E L E A S E***
Senior Skaters
Lawrence High School Seniors Glide Towards Graduation
LAWRENCE, NEW YORK (February 2022)—Lawrence High School’s 2022 graduating class took to the ice this month for their Senior Skate event. With the help of Irina Bayeva, Senior Class Advisor, and Hugh Walke, Student Government Advisor, the senior class was able to organize the event at the Newbridge Arena at 2600 Newbridge Road in Bellmore, NY.
“It was great to see our seniors enjoy time together outside of the classroom,” said Dr. Lagnado-Papp, Principal of Lawrence High School. “Our seniors showed great resilience and dedication to their education despite the pandemic affecting their school activities and learning. They deserved a fun day out!”
“It was a night to remember,” said Kressias Rivera, Senior Class Vice President at Lawrence High School. “This event truly showed how close-knit the class of 2022 is and the fun we can have when we come together.”
For more information and updates on Lawrence Union Free School District events, you can visit their website at https://www.lawrence.org.
Photo 1:Seniors from Lawrence High School enjoying their Senior Skate event at the Newbridge Arena skating rink.