***P R E S S R E L E A S E***
Lawrence Elementary Students Hold Mock White House Reception
Event is Culmination of a Lesson on U.S. Presidents and First Ladies
LAWRENCE, NEW YORK (February 2022)—Fourth-grade students at Lawrence Elementary School spent a month researching the U.S. Presidents and first ladies of their choice. The students read multiple biographies and articles on their subjects’ lives, and in the days leading up to Presidents’ Day, students completed diaries for their subjects. Their first-person entries covered key events in the lives of Presidents and first ladies and included their thoughts and feelings.
At the culmination of their lesson, the fourth graders came to school dressed up as their researched leaders on February 16. While in character, they recited speeches to their classes, described the major achievements of their selected Presidents, and shared short anecdotes from their lives. This was followed by a mock White House Reception, where the students, still in character, spent time with one another while enjoying refreshments in their class.
“Students had a great time researching U.S. Presidents and first ladies. It is important to learn about the past leaders of our country to learn our history,” said Rina Beach, principal of Lawrence Elementary School. “Special thanks to our teachers for making this culminating event a fun yet educational experience for our students.”
For more information about the Lawrence Union Free School District and the latest District news, please visit www.lawrence.org.
Photos 1-4: Fourth-grade students in Mrs. Rubenfeld and Mrs. Hurwitz’s classes at Lawrence Elementary School presenting their research