Hoping you are having a fabulous summer. Issue # 5 - The latest edition of our Summer Reading smore is ready for you. Check it out here 😁 https://www.smore.com/knc9y
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Summer Reading
Good afternoon Lawrence Early Childhood School Families! We invite you and your children to join us for an interactive virtual workshop on Monday, August 2nd at 6:30PM with Dr. Romie Mushtaq focusing on preparing the whole child - academically physically and mentally for the upcoming school year! For more information and to register visit: https://forms.gle/qoVmAmwnK1DHKyPD9
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Family Workshops
Welcome to Issue #4 of our Summer Reading Smore. The Lawrence Summer Reading Challenge continues. Did you Know? Only students who read 15 minutes or more a day saw accelerated reading gains—that is, gains higher than the national average—and students who read just over a half-hour to an hour per day saw the greatest gains of all. Check out this week's Summer Reading Smore here: https://www.smore.com/528sz
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Summer Reading
Summer Reading is for me and for you. 😍 Issue # 3 of our Summer Reading Smore is now available. Check it out! https://www.smore.com/mn92wu
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Summer Reading
Check out our weekly Summer Reading Smore. Issue #2 https://www.smore.com/x9sbrc Pick up a book and Read. Find some time to read everyday. All students are encouraged to write down their thoughts or draw a picture in their Summer Reading Journals.
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Summer Reading
Check out our weekly Summer Reading Smore. https://www.smore.com/4caztx Pick up a book and Read. All families are encouraged to read daily. Whether you read aloud to one another or just share some quiet time reading together on your own. Students are encouraged to write down their thoughts or draw a picture in their Summer Reading Journals
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Summer Reading
We are sad to see our Kindergarteners move on to First Grade, but we know our little learners will do fantastic at the Number Two School! Wishing you all a restful, fun and safe summer! As a preview, please see the link below for the First Grade Supply List! It is also posted on their website! https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1347176/Supply_List_Grade_1_2021-2022.pdf Hugs from a distance! Mrs. Tariq
over 3 years ago, Lisa Tariq
TOMORROW, FRIDAY IS OUR LAST DAY OF SCHOOL & IT WILL BE HALF DAY DISMISSAL! Dismissal will be at 11:15AM ! There is NO AFTER SCHOOL! We are certainly going to miss our little learners! Wishing all our staff, families, and students the best summer and the best of luck to our little learners in First Grade! Always, Mrs. Tariq . . ¡MANANA, EL VIERNES ES NUESTRO ÚLTIMO DÍA DE CLASES Y SERÁ EL MEDIO DÍA DE SALIDA! ¡La salida será a las 11:15 AM! ¡NO HAY DESPUÉS DE CLASES! ¡Ciertamente vamos a extrañar a nuestros pequeños aprendices! ¡Deseamos a todo nuestro personal, familias y estudiantes el mejor verano y la mejor de las suertes para nuestros pequeños estudiantes en primer grado! Siempre, Sra. Tariq
over 3 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Some more Moving Up Ceremony smiles ! We are certainly going to miss our learners ! Friday, June 25th is the last day and dismissal is at 11:15am!
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
With school wrapping up for the summer, we want to make sure parents have all the necessary tools and resources to avoid that summer slide. The 2021 Summer Math Challenge will begin on Monday, June 21st. The Summer Math Challenge is a free, email-based math program offered to parents to encourage their children to continue math practice and prevent the loss of math skills over the summer. Parents can help their children practice grade-level math skills and concepts with this six-week program. Parents can sign up their child today and get access to daily fun activities and resources designed for their child’s grade and ability level. Here are just a few of the benefits: With the Summer Math Challenge, students can: • Engage in mathematics at their ability level and stay motivated with weekly badges. • Strengthen their understanding of math topics that are aligned with state math standards. • Access a variety of learning activities such as math games, videos and worksheets. • Receive real-time feedback on weekly, online quizzes. ** Follow the directions on the attached flyer to sign up! **
over 3 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Math Challenge
Math Challenge
Congratulations to our Kindergarteners! We wish you the absolute best in First Grade! Remember to always Read Together, Talk Together & Play Together!
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
For a kindergartener’s graduation, their day to shine shows the ones they love all they have accomplished throughout the year. For the parents, it’s a time to show their children the value of education through positive reinforcement and support. Wishing our graduates the best in First Grade!
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Our Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremonies were beyond memorable! There is something so special about a Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony - innocence retained, journeys begun and dreams waiting to be achieved.
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Good morning! Our Moving Up Ceremony Picture Frames were beautifully displayed along our fence for our Moving Up Ceremony! If you're child is a REMOTE LEARNER, please come by ECC any day between 8AM-3PM to pick up your childs frame as a keepsake! They are gently placed in the vestibule area in a Moving Up Ceremony box! Last day for pick up is June 24th! Thank you ! . . ¡Buenos dias! ¡Nuestros marcos de fotos de la ceremonia de ascenso se exhibieron maravillosamente a lo largo de nuestra cerca para nuestra ceremonia de ascenso! Si su hijo es un APRENDIZAJE REMOTO, por favor venga a ECC cualquier día entre las 8 AM y las 3 PM para recoger el marco de su hijo como recuerdo. ¡Se colocan suavemente en el área del vestíbulo en una caja de ceremonia de ascenso! ¡El último día para recogerlo es el 24 de junio! Gracias !
over 3 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Good afternoon, ECC Families! The end of the school year is quickly approaching! Please notify the Main Office at 516-295-6402 if you are moving out of the District after June 25th. You will be sent a form to fill out and return back to unenroll your child and you must return the Chromebook at the end of the school year. Thank you! . . ¡Buenas tardes, Familias de ECC! ¡El final del año escolar se acerca rápidamente! Por favor notifique a la oficina principal al 516-295-6402 si se mudará fuera del distrito después del 25 de junio. Se le enviará un formulario para completar y devolver para cancelar la inscripción de su hijo y debe devolver el Chromebook al final del año escolar. ¡Gracias!
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Congratulations, again Kindergarten students & families! We are so proud of you ! It was a beautiful day. Please feel free to send me any photos you have from the ceremony or any special photos from today and I will share them during the week on our website! Send them to ltariq@lawrence.org We are looking forward to spending our last two weeks of school with our superstar learners ! Have a wonderful weekend celebrating !
over 3 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Good morning! We are so excited for our special day! Please do NOT send your child in with a bookbag or their chromebook today. Leave them at home today! Looking forward to seeing all our families at the scheduled times!
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
¡Buenos días, familias de ECC! ¡Gracias por su paciencia! ¡Tendremos nuestra Ceremonia de GRADUACION ESTE VIERNES 11 de junio como estaba programado! Recordatorio de programación a continuación: Novak & Martinis - 9:20 AM es la hora de inicio de la ceremonia. Los estudiantes DEBEN llegar antes de las 9 AM SHARP (si no están programados para estar en la escuela este día). Gordon & Schneider - 10:20 AM es la hora de inicio de la ceremonia. Los estudiantes DEBEN llegar antes de las 10 AM SHARP (si no están programados para estar en la escuela este día). Eiss & Franklin - 11:20 AM es la hora de inicio de la ceremonia. Los estudiantes DEBEN llegar antes de las 11 AM SHARP (si no están programados para estar en la escuela este día). Glenn & Simon - 12:20 PM es la hora de inicio de la ceremonia. Los estudiantes DEBEN llegar antes de las 12PM SHARP (si no están programados para estar en la escuela este día). *** TODOS los estudiantes programados para estar en la escuela el viernes, ¡TODAVÍA deben venir a la escuela a la hora regular en el autobús o caminando! Esto ayudará a los profesores a organizarse adecuadamente. Los padres regresarán a la hora de graduación programada para sus hijos. *** ** Recordatorio, solo DOS invitados por niño. ** ¡Gracias por su paciencia y comprensión! ¡Esperamos ver a nuestras familias el viernes!
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Good morning, ECC Families! Thank you for your patience! We WILL have our Moving Up Ceremony on FRIDAY, June 11th as scheduled! Schedule Reminder below: Novak & Martinis - 9:20AM is ceremony start time. Students MUST arrive by 9AM SHARP (if they are not scheduled to be in school this day). Gordon & Schneider - 10:20AM is ceremony start time. Students MUST arrive by 10AM SHARP (if they are not scheduled to be in school this day). Eiss & Franklin - 11:20AM is ceremony start time. Students MUST arrive by 11AM SHARP (if they are not scheduled to be in school this day). Glenn & Simon - 12:20PM is ceremony start time. Students MUST arrive by 12PM SHARP (if they are not scheduled to be in school this day). ***ALL students scheduled to be in school on Friday, should STILL come to school at regular time on bus or as a walker! This will help teachers in organizing appropriately. Parents will come back for their child's scheduled graduation time.*** **Reminder, only TWO guests per child.** Thank you for your patience & understanding! We look forward to seeing our families on Friday!
over 3 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Good morning, ECC Families! We are going to hold off one more day on Moving Up Ceremony date as now it looks like the rain will carry to Monday! I will be in touch tomorrow morning. Thank you for your patience! . . ¡Buenos días familias de ECC! ¡Vamos a esperar un día más en la fecha de la ceremonia de ascenso ya que ahora parece que la lluvia continuará hasta el lunes! Estaré en contacto mañana por la mañana. Gracias por su paciencia!
over 3 years ago, Lisa Tariq