Please use the link below to access a how-to video on the activation process and use of the Frontline Health App which must be completed each day your child attends in-person learning.
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Good Morning Kindergarten Families! As a reminder, every day that your child comes to school, you must complete the Daily COVID-19 Health Check on the Frontline Health Portal! Your child MUST have this filled out to enter the building! For anyone who has not yet registered, information on registering for the Frontline Health Portal can be found at ¡Buenos días familias de kindergarten! Como recordatorio, todos los días que su hijo/a asiste a la escuela, necesita completar el Control de salud diario COVID-19 en el Portal de salud de primera línea. ¡Su hijo/a NECESITA llenar este formulario para entrar al edificio! Para cualquier persona que aún no se haya registrado, la información sobre cómo registrarse en el Portal de Salud de Frontline se puede encontrar en
about 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Today we practiced our first Lockdown Drill with our Cohort A students and our local Inwood Police Officers joined us for the drill! Our Kindergarten students were greeted after the drill by one of our Officers who told all students what a great job they did! Students were prepared and quiet. Students know this drill is to ensure the safety of everyone in our building! Both our hybrid and remote students knew what to do for this drill. Great job, Kindergarten!
about 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
We are thankful to you! Wishing all of our community a safe and healthy Thanksgiving. Please see latest newsletter here: Dr. Pedersen
about 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Dear Families, The children at the Early Childhood Center #4 School are always working on understanding their feelings. Within our SEL Program, we focus on recognizing the feelings of others. We call this empathy. For the months of December and January, we will be collecting BRAND NEW (not used) hats, gloves and mittens for students who are in need of warm garments for the cold days ahead. There is a “Mitten Tree” display inside our building where all donations will be placed. We know the students have big hearts…let’s share the gift of love! If your child is a remote student and you wish to donate, please call our main office at 516-812-7555 to schedule a drop off time. . . Queridos Familias, Los niños de la Escuela número cuatro del centro de primera infancia siempre están trabajando para comprender sus sentimientos. Dentro de nuestro Programa SEL, nos enfocamos en reconocer los sentimientos de los demás. A esto le llamamos empatía. Para los meses de Diciembre y Enero, estaremos recolectando sombreros, guantes y mitones para los estudiantes que necesitan ropa abrigada NUEVO (no utilizado) para los días fríos que se avecinan. Hay un cartel de "Árbol de Guantes" adentro del jardín de infantes edificio donde se van a colocar todas las donaciones. Sabemos que los estudiantes tienen un gran corazón... compartamos el regalo del amor! Si su hijo/a es un estudiante remoto y desea donar, llame a nuestra oficina principal 516-812-7555 para programar una hora de entrega.
about 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Mitten Drive
Mitten Drive
The District has been notified of 2 positive cases of COVID-19. It was determined that neither individual was in the school buildings during the period of time they would have been contagious. These cases emphasize the importance of testing, staying home when sick, and not masking symptoms with fever reducing medications. A letter with more information can be found at: Thank you & stay well, Dr. Pedersen
about 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
Stay Home If Sick
Dear Families, Today we practiced our lockdown drill. A lockdown is when each class stays quiet and out of sight in a locked classroom. Children and staff in the hallway go to the nearest secure location. This drill ensures safety for our children in case there is presence of an intruder. Our students did a fantastic job! Please review the importance of these drills with your children. Queridas familias, Hoy practicamos nuestro simulacro de encierro. Un encierro es cuando cada clase se mantiene en silencio y fuera de la vista en un aula cerrada. Los niños y el Personal en el pasillo van a la habitación más cercana. Este simulacro garantiza la seguridad de nuestros niños en caso de la presencia de un intruso. ¡Nuestros estudiantes hicieron un trabajo fantástico! Repase la importancia de estos ejercicios con sus hijo/as.
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Dear Lawrence Families, The district was notified today of 2 positive COVID-19 cases. One case involves an individual at the Early Childhood Center. The second is an individual at Lawrence High School. Please see the following letter for more information:
about 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
Our school is OUT OF THE YELLOW ZONE! The Governor's office has rescinded the mandate for COVID-19 Testing. You do NOT have to bring your child to go get tested at this point. We look forward to welcoming our Cohort B students back on Monday! We Thank our Parents, Teachers, & Staff for the continued support! Nuestra escuela está FUERA DE LA ZONA AMARILLA. La oficina del Gobernador ha rescindido el mandato de las pruebas COVID 19. *NO* tiene que traer a su hijo/a para hacerse la prueba de COVID en este momento. ¡Esperamos darles la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes de la Cohorte B el lunes! ¡Agradecemos a nuestros padres, maestros y personal por el apoyo continuo!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Good evening Lawrence Families! Beginning Monday you must complete the Daily COVID-19 Health Check on the Frontline Health Portal and not the Google Daily Health Questionnaire Form. For anyone who has not yet registered, information on registering for the Frontline Health Portal can be found at
about 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
ECC Kindergarten Families, Our school remains in the yellow zone. If you have agreed to testing and your last name begins with M-Q, please bring your child for a COVID test. Please send the receipt/results via email to or send to school in your child's bookbag beginning this Monday, November 9th. You can be tested at FTCC Inwood or there will be a COVID Testing Walk Up Site on Sunday 11/8 from 11 am – 2 pm (no out of pocket cost, bring your insurance card) at Lawrence Primary School, 1 Donohue Avenue Inwood. Thank you for your continued support! . . Familias de Kindergarten de ECC, Nuestra escuela permanece en la zona amarilla. Si aceptó someterse a la prueba de COVID, es estudiante híbrido o viene cada día, y su apellido comienza con M-Q, traiga a su hijo/a para la prueba COVID. Envíe el recibo / resultados por correo electrónico a o envíelo a la escuela en la mochila de su hijo/a comenzando este lunes 9 de noviembre. Puede tomar la prueba en FTCC Inwood o habrá sitio emergente de pruebas de covid el domingo 8 de noviembre de 11 am a 2 pm (sin costo de bolsillo, traiga su tarjeta de seguro) en Lawrence Primary School, 1 Donohue Avenue Inwood. ¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
COVID Walk Up Site
Friendly reminder that tomorrow, Thursday, November 5th is our Kindergarten Parent Teacher Conferences from 12:30 - 3:15PM & 5:00 - 7:30PM. Your teachers have notified parents/guardians of scheduled appointments and the method of communication. Report cards are being mailed home so you and your child's teacher can discuss progress thus far. We will have an early dismissal tomorrow, Thursday at 11:30AM. All students who report in person will be dismissed at 11:30AM. Please be sure that an adult is home for when the bus arrives or send in a note that your child will be picked up at 11:30AM. We look forward to continuing to partner with our families to make this a successful school year for all! . . Recordatorio amistoso que mañana, el jueves 5 de noviembre son nuestras conferencias de padres y maestros de Kindergarten de 12:30 a 3:15 p.m. y de 5:00 a 7:30 p.m. Sus maestros han notificado a los padres / tutores de las citas programadas y el método de comunicación. Enviamos las boletas de calificaciones a casa para que usted y el maestro/a de su hijo/a puedan discutir el progreso hasta ahora. Los niños saldrán temprano mañana, el jueves a las 11:30 AM. Todos los estudiantes que se presenten en persona saldrán a las 11:30 AM. Por favor asegúrese de que haya un adulto en casa para cuando llegue el autobús o envíe una nota de que su hijo/a será recogido a las 11:30 AM. ¡Esperamos seguir colaborando con nuestras familias para hacer de este un año escolar exitoso para todos!
about 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Dear ECC Families, Thank you to all our families who have completed the assurance form for COVID testing. We will open schools on Monday, November 2nd for Cohort A (Blue A-L & our everyday learners). If you have agreed to testing your Hybrid Learner and your last name begins with A - D, please bring your child for a COVID test this week, October 28 - November 1. Please send the receipt/results via email to or send to school in your child's bookbag on Monday. You can be tested at FTCC Inwood or JCC Lawrence, call (516) 390 - 2888 for an appointments. *Hybrid Parents, please remember the new bus pick up times for your child when they return. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Main Office at 516-812-7555. Queridas familias de ECC Kindergarten, Gracias a quienes completaron el formulario de garantia para las pruebas de COVID. Abriremos nuestra escula el lunes 2 de noviembr para estudiante en Cohort A (azul y los estudiante quien viene cada dia). Si acepto someterse a la prueba para su nino/a hibrido, y su apelido comienza de la A - D, lleve a su hijo/a a hacerse la prueba esta semana. Envienos los recibo/resultados por correo electronico a o en la mochila de su hijo/a el lunes. Puede hacerse la prueba en FTCC Inwood o JCC Lawrence, llame al (516) 390 - 2888 para una cita. *Padres híbridos, recuerden los nuevos horarios de recogida del autobús para su hijo/a cuando regrese. Si tiene alguna pregunta, llame a la oficina central a 516-812-7555.
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Wednesday October 28th Free Flu Shots available at the Five Towns Community Center from 2:00-8:00 pm
about 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Kindergarten Parent Teacher Conferences will take place remotely via phone on Thursday, November 5th from 12:30-3:15pm & 5:00-7:30PM. Teachers are excited to meet with our parents/guardians to discuss each child's progress this school year! Please check your child's Google Classroom for more information from the teacher including your scheduled appointment time. Dismissal will be at 11:30AM for those who attend in person on Thursday, November 5th!
about 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Any student enrolled as an in-person learner (hybrid or daily), please submit the yellow assurances form as soon as possible! Thank you for your continued support! Cualquier estudiante inscrito como estudiante en persona (híbrido o diario), envíe el formulario amarillo de garantías lo antes posible. ¡Gracias por su continuo apoyo!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Interested in joining Girl Scouts? Check out the attached flyer for an upcoming Parent Information Meeting on Thursday, October 29th @ 7pm!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Thank you to our ECC Families for joining us for our Tech Talk last night! We had a wonderful turnout! We were able to review the Google Platform in its entirety, Kami, Suite 360 & iRead! Parents were shown how to download Google apps and the Lawrence District app to stay informed! Please feel free to watch the recorded Tech Talk to review what was demonstrated or if you were not able to join us!
about 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Any student enrolled as an in-person learner (Hybrid or Daily), please submit the Yellow Zone Assurances Form as soon as possible! Thank you for your continued support!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Good Evening! Use this link here to join our Parent Tech Talk tonight at 7PM! See you soon! We look forward to seeing you there!
about 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten