Kindergarten Early Childhood Center Virtual Back to School Night will be posted Thursday, September 24th at 6pm! The video presentation will be recorded and posted in your child's Google Classroom for parents to view at anytime. Teachers will provide you with classroom routines, expectations, protocols, and curriculum pertaining to Kindergarten. Questions can be asked directly to the teacher via Google Classroom or email.
over 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Full Remote Families only, We will be distributing additional curriculum related books and materials on Thursday, September 24th from 7am-8:30am and 12-1pm at the Main Entrance. Please be sure to pick up your child's books ONLY if your child is a FULL REMOTE learner. Please be sure to wear a mask and watch your distance.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
It was a successful first day of live streaming! Remember, login remotely each day whether your child is a full remote learner or a Hybrid learner at home for the week! Be sure to login at 10am & again at 1:30pm each day using the Google Meet Link in your Google Classroom! Attendance is IMPORTANT and COUNTS!
over 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
We are excited to begin Live Streaming with our Remote Learners and Cohort B learners beginning tomorrow at 10am! Please review the attached document to see the live streaming times for your child. If you need any assistance getting started with Google Classroom, please utilize the resources posted under 'Remote Learning' on our school website or see below the Live Feed step-by-step directions to find the Google Meet Link! For our Cohort A Hybrid Learners returning in person this week, please remember to complete our DAILY health questionnaire at least one hour prior to arrival.
over 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
parent info sheet
Please see the flyers attached on how to join Live Stream Learning starting Monday, September 21st! We are so excited to meet all our Remote learners! See you at 10am!
over 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
All Kindergarten Families, Please use the link below and sign up for our Parent Portal as soon as possible, if you have not done so already! By filling this out, the school will have your email address registered for our Health App launch. The childs ID Number is the password on the inside of their chromebook. Link:
over 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Happy Friday ! Hybrid Families, Please remember to complete our DAILY health questionnaire at least one hour PRIOR to your child coming to school each day. We thank you for your continued support in helping keeping our school safe and healthy! Daily Health Screenings (must be completed EVERY morning on the days your child attends in person learning):
over 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Hybrid Families, Please remember to complete our DAILY health questionnaire at least one hour PRIOR to your child coming to school each day. We thank you for your continued support in helping keeping our school safe and healthy! Daily Health Screenings (must be completed EVERY morning on the days your child attends in person learning):
over 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Kindergarten Virtual Back to School Night will be posted Thursday, September 24th at 6pm! The video presentation will be recorded and posted for parents to view at anytime. Teachers will provide you with classroom routines, expectations, protocols, and curriculum pertaining to Kindergarten. Questions can be asked directly to the teacher via Google Classroom or email. Check out the flyers attached! More information to follow!
over 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
As a reminder, please remember to complete our assurance document and DAILY health questionnaire at least one hour prior to your child coming to school each day. We thank you for your continued support in helping keeping our school safe and healthy! Assurances (complete ONCE for each child): Daily Health Screenings (must be completed EVERY morning on the days your child attends in person learning):
over 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
As a reminder, only Cohort B (yellow) & Mrs. Gordon’s class will report to school tomorrow. All walkers accompanied by a parent/guardian will enter through the front main entrance. Cohort B families, please remember to complete our assurance document and daily health questionnaire at least one hour prior to your child coming to school. We thank you for your continued support. Assurances (complete ONCE for each child): Daily Health Screenings (must be completed each morning on the days your child attends in person learning):
over 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
We had a wonderful first week back in Lawrence. See some of the news from the week and directions for the start of Gold (B) cohort in this newsletter
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
First week
We are excited to welcome our Hybrid Cohort B students into the building at the Number Four School at 87 Wanser Avenue on Monday! There will be buses for arrival and dismissal for our learners. Families in Cohort B whose children are Hybrid MUST complete the two documents below prior to coming to school. Assurances (complete ONCE for each child): Daily Health Screenings (must be completed each morning on the days your child attends in person learning):
over 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
The video of today's flag ceremony can be found at
over 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
American Flag
Lawrence will never forget the heroes and horrors of 9/11. Tomorrow, a moment of silence will take place in all buildings along with a ceremonial flag raising and the playing of taps. We ask all to wear red, white and blue, if you are remote and in person. Families can watch the flag raising from socially distant outdoor spots or when posted to school websites. LHS 9 am, Primary @2 10 am, LMS and LES 10:45, ECC @4 1:15 Thank you Never Forget
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
It was great to see many of you as we welcomed your students back to school yesterday morning! As a reminder, the health questionnaire needs to be completed daily for students attending in person learning, at least one hour prior to arrival at school. Thank you for helping to keep our schools safe! The form can be found using the following link:
over 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Back to School! For in-person instruction this includes new start and end times to decrease density at entrances and exits.
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
New times
We are excited to welcome our Hybrid Cohort A students into the building at the Number Four School at 87 Wanser Avenue on Tuesday. To ensure a safe and smooth arrival, we are doing a staggered arrival with NO BUSES for the morning on the first day of school. There will be busses for dismissal. For students in Cohort A whose last name ends with letter A-F & Mrs. Gordon's Class, arrive at 9:45am. For students in Cohort A whose last name ends with letter G-L, arrive at 10:00am. All students will enter through the Main Front Entrance. Families in Cohort A whose children are Hybrid & Mrs. Gordon's Class, MUST complete the two documents below prior to coming to school. Assurances (complete ONCE for each child): Daily Health Screenings (must be completed each morning on the days your child attends in person learning):
over 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Blue Cohort (A) Families 1. Complete these two documents prior to coming to school: Assurances (complete once for each child) Daily Health Screenings (done every day) Thank you
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
If your child is in Hybrid Learning, Cohort A & B, please complete and submit these Assurances prior to coming to school each day until our Health App is live. This must be filled out each day if your child enters the school. Assurances Google Form:
over 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten