*Moving Up Day for ECC! *Please send your child to school at regular time at 8:50am and parents should return for child's ceremony time. Parents will be let in 15-20 minutes before start time.
Eiss, Franklin, Glenn & Gordon beginning at 9:20 AM.
Martinis, Novak, Schneider & Simon beginning at 10:35 AM.
Bring tickets!
Envíe a su hijo/a a la escuela a la hora habitual de inicio a las 8:50am y los padres deben regresar para la hora de la ceremonia de su hijo/a. Los padres podrán entrar 15-20 minutos antes de la hora de inicio.
Sra. Eiss, Sra. Franklin, Sra. Glenn y Sra. Gordon a partir de las 9:20 a. m.
Sra. Martinis, Sra. Novak, Sra. Schneider y Sra. Simon a partir de las 10:35 AM.
Tomorrow, Friday, June 10th are our Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremonies at our school!
Ceremony Times:
Mrs. Eiss, Ms. Franklin, Mrs. Glenn, & Mrs. Gordon beginning at 9:20 AM.
Ms. Martinis, Mrs. Novak, Mrs. Schneider, & Mrs. Simon beginning at 10:35 AM.
Tickets will be accepted upon entrance to the Moving Up Ceremony.
***We ask that children go on their regular bus or get dropped off and come to school at the REGULAR ARRIVAL TIME at 8:50AM to ensure they are able to line up and practice with their class. This will help with ensuring our event runs smoothly!*** Parents will enter at their child's ceremony time.
We are so excited to share this milestone with you and your children!
It is June - a beginning for some - an end for others. Congrats to all our grads & students who are moving up. Please check out the SMORE for great ideas and important upcoming events. May your summer be safe and blissful. https://www.smore.com/3smnx
Lawrence Families
I am certain you are as saddened as I am by the horrific news from Texas . Please be assured that Lawrence has health, safety and security as our top priority .
Please see attached letter. https://5il.co/1b303
Thank you
Dr. Pedersen
May 17, 2022
Budget Vote and Annual Election
7:00 am - 10:00 pm
Our Kindergarten Moving Up Ceremony will be held Outdoors on Friday, June 10th! In the event of inclement weather, the ceremonies will be moved to indoors at our school. An informational letter with ceremony time and 2 tickets will be sent home with each child next week. We are looking forward to celebrating!
¡Nuestra ceremonia de ascenso de jardín de infantes se llevará a cabo afuera el viernes, 10 de junio! En caso de mal tiempo, las ceremonias se llevara a cabo en el interior de la escuela. Se enviará a casa una carta informativa con la hora de la ceremonia y 2 boletos con cada niño la próxima semana. ¡Esperamos celebrar!
Tomorrow is 'FITNESS FRIDAY'! We will be SPORTING our favorite fitness gear or favorite team jersey!
Objectives: Students will be able to identify at least 2 reasons why being physically active is important for Mental Wellness
- Physical activity gives us more energy.
- Physical activity sends oxygen to the brain, which helps us learn better.
- Physical activity helps calm us down when we are feeling worried or stressed.
We are Academically, Physically, & Mentally Lawrence Strong!
Tomorrow is 'Thoughtful Thursday'! Suggested Attire: Wear GREEN! Green is the color of Mental Health Awareness. Students will understand how paying it forward, volunteering, acts of kindness can promote well-being and assist in repairing relationships.
¡Mañana es 'Jueves Reflexivo'! Vestimenta sugerida: ¡Use VERDE! El verde es el color de la conciencia de la salud mental. Los estudiantes comprenderán cómo el pago por adelantado, el voluntariado y los actos de bondad pueden promover el bienestar y ayudar a reparar las relaciones.
Tomorrow is 'Wellness Wednesday'! Suggested Attire: Express yourself day! Wear something that represents YOU - your country, your inner rock star, your hidden passion! Objectives: Students will be able to recognize the importance of positive self-esteem. Students will know that when you feel sad, angry or other big emotions, there are people to help you! ****All families and students are welcome to attend the Wellness Workshops tomorrow night at 6:15pm at the Number Two School.****
Tomorrow is 'Take Care of Myself Tuesday'! Wear tie-dye or a bright color to represent all of the emotions we experience as humans. All feelings are okay!
Objectives: Students will understand the importance of self-care. Self-care ensures that you are building in ways to cope with stressors, and are then available to take on challenges and help others.
¡Mañana es 'Cuidarme Martes'! Use tie-dye o un color brillante para representar todas las emociones que experimentamos como humanos. ¡Todos los sentimientos están bien!
Objetivos: Los estudiantes comprenderán la importancia del autocuidado. El autocuidado garantiza que esté construyendo formas de hacer frente a los factores estresantes y que luego esté disponible para asumir desafíos y ayudar a los demás.
Welcome May - May the month find you all healthy and happy - Check out the May SMORE from the High School - https://www.smore.com/jntf2 & the Middle School SMORE - https://www.smore.com/k1yqa-lawrence-middle-school-library
We hope you all find something to feed your mind.
**PLEASE WEAR LAWRENCE SCHOOL GEAR or BLUE AND YELLOW COLORS TOMORROW!** *Tomorrow, Monday, May 2nd, we will kick off our Mental Wellness Spirit Week starting with ‘Musical Monday’! Research supports that music benefits mood and confidence. Music can restore a sense of calm in the classroom by helping students focus and develop inner peace.
**¡POR FAVOR, UTILICE EL EQUIPO DE LA ESCUELA LAWRENCE o COLORES AZUL Y AMARILLO MAÑANA!** * ¡Mañana, lunes 2 de mayo, comenzaremos nuestra Semana del Espíritu de Bienestar Mental comenzando con el 'Lunes Musical'! Las investigaciones respaldan que la música beneficia el estado de ánimo y la confianza. La música puede restaurar una sensación de calma en el salón de clases al ayudar a los estudiantes a concentrarse y desarrollar la paz interior.
Good afternoon Lawrence Early Childhood Center! Our Mental Wellness Spirit week begins on Monday, May 2nd. Let's work together to learn about the importance of Mental and Physical Health on Academic Success! We will celebrate the many ways we can impact our brain and body in positive ways. The district flyer with the week’s themes can be found at: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/828/Lawrence_Kindergarten/2040990/2022_Lawrence_Mental_Wellness_Spirit_Week.pdf
Lawrence families, our food service company, Whitsons, is interested in getting your feedback to help them improve service to your children. Please complete the survey linked here: https://xmp.insight-surveys.com/s/whitsons Thank you.
We are looking forward to seeing you at our Mental Wellness Night for families on May 4th at 6:15 at the Primary (#2) School. This event will include DINNER and workshops for Lawrence Public School parents and students. Child care available for younger children. Please fill out this form to save your seats! https://forms.gle/FmHuuWfdvAEHF4r97
Lawrence Early Childhood Number 4 School Families: A friendly reminder that school is closed for Spring Break from Thursday, April 14th until Friday, April 22nd! School will resume on Monday, April 25th. We wish all our staff, students and families a wonderful Spring Break and Happy Holidays to all who celebrate Easter & Passover!
Familias de la escuela Lawrence Early Childhood Numero 4: ¡Un recordatorio amistoso de que la escuela está cerrada por las vacaciones de primavera desde el jueves 14 de abril hasta el viernes 22 de abril! La escuela se reanudará el lunes 25 de abril. ¡Les deseamos a todo nuestro personal, estudiantes y familias unas maravillosas vacaciones de primavera y felices fiestas a todos los que celebran la Pascua y la Pascua!
We enjoyed learning and seeing family photos today! Our learners beam with happiness when speaking about their families!
Today was Family Friday to wrap up Week of the Young Child! Family Friday focuses on engaging and celebrating families, as we know this is the heart of supporting our youngest learners! We want to thank our families for always engaging and collaborating to ensure the success of each child.
¡Hoy fue Viernes Familiar para concluir la Semana del Niño Pequeño! Family Friday se enfoca en involucrar y celebrar a las familias, ya que sabemos que este es el corazón para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes más jóvenes. Queremos agradecer a nuestras familias por involucrarse y colaborar siempre para asegurar el éxito de cada niño.
Creativity fosters mental growth in children by providing opportunities for trying out new ideas, and new ways of thinking and problem-solving!
Children develop creativity, social skills, and fine motor skills with open-ended art projects where they can use their imagination!
The creativity in our littlest learners shined so BRIGHT on this rainy day!
April is Autism Awareness Month to increase understanding & acceptance of individuals with autism. To highlight this I ask all students and staff to 'LIGHT IT UP BLUE' EVERY FRIDAY (WEAR BLUE) for the month of April! We will focus and discuss the importance of being accepted and inclusive to all; understanding that we are all unique!
¡POR FAVOR USE AZUL MAÑANA! Abril es el Mes de Concientización sobre el Autismo para aumentar la comprensión y aceptación global de las personas con autismo. Para resaltar esto dentro de nuestro edificio, les pido a todos los estudiantes y al personal que 'SE ENCIENDA DE AZUL' CADA VIERNES (VISTE EN AZUL) para el mes de abril! Nos enfocaremos y discutiremos la importancia de ser aceptados e inclusivos para todos; entendiendo que todos somos únicos!