Lawrence Families We are still awaiting word on the Cluster Action Zones. Once we hear the updated status of the zones you will receive that news. Stay well and stay connected! Our learners are making great connections with our teachers via google classroom. Make sure the school has your email address to get daily updates on your child’s assignments. See more about our schools here Thank you Dr. Pedersen
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Lawrence will never forget the heroes and horrors of 9/11. Tomorrow, a moment of silence will take place in all buildings along with a ceremonial flag raising and the playing of taps. We ask all to wear red, white and blue, if you are remote and in person. Families can watch the flag raising from socially distant outdoor spots or when posted to school websites. LHS 9 am, Primary @2 10 am, LMS and LES 10:45, ECC @4 1:15 Thank you Never Forget
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Text the transportation department using the question mark widget found on the home page of the non public school site between 8 am and 6pm. You may also leave a message here. Wishing you a safe school year.
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Communicate to transportation via text ! Please use the widget ( question mark) found on this page to communicate with transportation between 8 am and 6 pm. You may also leave a message here. Wishing you a safe school year.
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Wednesday September 3rd food distribution for registered school age children is from 4:15 pm to 10:00 pm PLEASE NOTE TIME CHANGE Thank you
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
A dedicated space to study is helpful to the learning process. Please complete this form if you would like to use a school desk this year for your remote learner. Thank you and stay well.
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
For families selecting Hybrid instruction please see this checklist from the CDC. Lawrence Schools will be teaching out to you to review important safety procedures.
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Wear a mask
Please seen August 21, 2020 busing update. Thank you and have a great school year.
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Dear Lawrence Please see this week’s Summer Lawrence Onward Newsletter I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather and staying safe, healthy, and strong. Dr Pedersen
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Please use this link to find out about transportation for the upcoming school year. We wish all our families good health as they enter the school year.
over 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
Private school
Thank you to all our families who participated in last night’s community circle. Here is the link to the audio. We will be contacting you shortly with the times for individual school community circles. Dr. Pedersen
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Dear Lawrence We held the first community circle meeting this morning . The link to the audio can be found below. There will be building level meetings scheduled starting next week through the start of school. I hope the audio helps you with the difficult decision between hybrid or remote instruction. Your decision is needed by August 20th Thank you Dr Pedersen
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Lawrence en Adelante #7 Formulario para Clases Completamente Remoto Estimadas Familias de Lawrence, Este enlace se puede usar para completar el formulario optando por la instrucción COMPLETAMENTE REMOTO, lo que significa es durante el primer periodo de calificaciones su hijo(a) NO ingresara a los edificios, pero asistirá y participara en las clases transmitidas virtualmente. Si elige la instrucción HÍBRIDA no necesita completar un formulario. En caso que no esté seguro, espere las sesiones informativas que se programaran esta semana. Gracias. Remoto Optar Por No Viajar en Autobús Como planeamos para septiembre, sepa que uno de los desafíos será el distanciamiento social en los autobuses escolares. Si esta seleccionando instrucción remota o si puede optar por NO participar en el transporte, le pedimos que complete este formulario. Espere las sesiones de información si no está seguro. Gracias.
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Please use the links found here to indicate your preference for remote instruction. If you have any questions we will address them as quickly as we can. Thank you Dr. Pedersen
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Please see latest news regarding parental choice for Lawrence’s September opening. Thank you
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Lawrence Reopening planning is following State and CDC guidance and focused on the safest way to protect our most precious resource, the children. We are preparing for instruction in a rotating or “Hybrid” model which alternates weeks between in school and remote. We must keep social distancing in school. A full remote option for families is a likely choice. Again, we await Govenor’s Orders on reopening, but our current thinking is the full in person model does not allow all children and staff to keep appropriate social distancing . Complete plan details will be released Friday. Thank you and please be safe and well. Dr. Pedersen
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Please see the latest updates here:
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
July 31
Please see the latest edition of Lawrence Onward. Planning and preparation for September is ongoing. We look forward to the new school year and await information from the Govenor’s office. Spanish
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Third edition
Dear Families We are planning for September in accordance with State guidelines. The committee will be sending out a brief survey to you on Wednesday to get your feedback. Thank you in advance for your input. A text message will be sent to you when the survey is available. Stay well Dr Pedersen
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Lawrence en adelante Actualización de septiembre de 2020
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen