Much Lawrence Pride to Daniela Andrade on her early acceptance to HARVARD. College Bound! We encourage all our students to access their SAT prep opportunities.
Congratulations Daniela.
Thursday December 17th Have a safe and beautiful snow Day! Put your Chromebooks and tech down and enjoy the beauty of the world. The quiet and beauty is timeless.
It sifts from Leaden Sieves
Written in 1830
It powders all the Wood.
It fills with Alabaster Wool
The Wrinkles of the Road -
It makes an even Face
Of Mountain, and of Plain -
Unbroken Forehead from the East
Unto the East again -
It reaches to the Fence -
It wraps it Rail by Rail
Till it is lost in Fleeces -
It deals Celestial Vail
College acceptances are starting to come in! Congratulations to Natalie Bran on her acceptance to Columbia . Well done!
Good afternoon Lawrence Families -
Lawrence will have a snow day tomorrow, December 17th and a remote learning day December 18th. We hope that the year ends peacefully for you and your family. Please see general December news here
Stay safe and stay well.
Today at 11 AM Island Harvest Food Bank will be at 130 Hewlett Point Ave in East Rockaway distributing food for families in need. Please be sure to wear a facemask, practice social distancing, and bring a rolling cart and shopping bags, if walking. Food will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis, while supplies last.
Free coats for the holidays
Sunday December 20 2:00-3:30 PM
131 Washington Avenue
Coats will be displayed at the side parking lot 389 Mulry Lane Lawrence NY
Socially distancing rules and masking will be strictly adhered to
Open to all !!
New York State has extended the deadline for REMOTE LEARNERS to submit the required immunizations to the health office. A letter regarding the extended deadline can be found at
Please be advised that the original deadline is still in effect for all students who attend in person classes.
The proposed Revised District-Wide Safety Plan for 2020-2021 can be found at . The 30 day public comment period will end on January 13th. Comments can be emailed to
As of December 11, 2020, New York State Public High School Athletic Association has cancelled all winter state championships and postponed all high-risk sports (i.e. basketball). The full announcement is found in the news section of the district website.
Dear Lawrence Families, The district has been notified of a positive COVID-19 case at Lawrence High School. Please see the following letter for more information:
Sports Update
Please see news section for the most updated information on our sports program .
Every year, NYS Department of Health requires that all students that attend public schools have to keep current with their vaccinations. Please make sure that your child has met the mandated 7th and 8th grade health requirements. For more personalized information regarding your child, please feel free to contact Nurse Brooks at (516) 295-6020. Thank you
Under the direction of Mrs Gordon, young scientist Declan is busy investigating. We have Lawrence Pride in our teachers and our learners.
Lawrence learners enter December with an attitude of gratitude. We are grateful to support their academic and emotional growth. Stay well and stay strong!
Please see the below COVID-19 Positive Case Notification Letter from November 30th. Stay well & safe!
Please see the below COVID-19 Positive Case Notification Letter from November 25th. Stay well & safe!
We wish each and every member of our Lawrence Family of Learners a safe and Happy Thanksgiving. Please remember the restrictions and guidance given to prevent further spread of COVID. Any travel out of the tri-state region requires quarantine and testing.
We are thankful to all for the respect shown for one another by following all protocols.
Stay well
Dr. Pedersen
Thank you to our custodial staff for working tirelessly to keep our building safe.
Please use the link below to access a how-to video in English & Spanish on the activation process and use of the Frontline Health App. As a reminder, this must be completed EACH day your child attends in-person learning. If you are experiencing any issues, please email details to
Utilice el enlace a continuación para acceder a un video instructivo en inglés y español sobre el proceso de activación y el uso de la aplicación Frontline Health. Como recordatorio, esto debe completarse CADA día que su hijo/a asista al aprendizaje en persona. Si tiene algún problema, envíe los detalles por correo electrónico a
Please use the link below to access a how-to video on the activation process and use of the Frontline Health App which must be completed each day your child attends in-person learning.