We are thankful to you! Wishing all of our community a safe and healthy Thanksgiving. Please see latest newsletter here: https://www.smore.com/cya8k Dr. Pedersen
about 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
November 12th COVID case notification Please stay safe https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f1lufpVehOINEX7YHZUTiSNuWPUgfV5o/view?usp=sharing
about 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Stay home
The District has been notified of 2 positive cases of COVID-19. It was determined that neither individual was in the school buildings during the period of time they would have been contagious. These cases emphasize the importance of testing, staying home when sick, and not masking symptoms with fever reducing medications. A letter with more information can be found at: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1003521/Notified_of_Positive_Case_-_COVID-19_-_11.11.2020.pdf Thank you & stay well, Dr. Pedersen
about 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
Stay Home If Sick
Dear Lawrence Families, The district was notified today of 2 positive COVID-19 cases. One case involves an individual at the Early Childhood Center. The second is an individual at Lawrence High School. Please see the following letter for more information: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/1000697/Notified_of_Positive_Case_-_COVID-19_-_ECC___LHS_-_11.09.2020.pdf
about 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
Good evening Lawrence Families! Beginning Monday you must complete the Daily COVID-19 Health Check on the Frontline Health Portal and not the Google Daily Health Questionnaire Form. For anyone who has not yet registered, information on registering for the Frontline Health Portal can be found at https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/936677/Lawrence__FrontlineHealthPortal_11.5.pdf
about 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
Lawrence UPK teachers read their favorite storybooks to their class this week and uploaded a video of their story to share with other classrooms. The videos can be found in the news and documents section of the UPK page. Today they will dress as their favorite storybook character in honor of "Who Day"!
about 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
Who Day
Who Day
Who Day
Our District held "Tech Talks" for our Lawrence Families. We demonstrated the Google Classroom platform, Kami to submit an assignment, the Suite 360 program & our Lawrence District 15 app! We had over 150 parents participate in the two Tech Talk Nights! Feel free to watch or rewatch our recordings from the meeting links below. We will be offering additional Tech Talks in the upcoming months. Stay Tuned! Thank you for your continued collaboration in ensuring our learners meet with success! District Tech Talk Recording [English session]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1STuTp6WPy4QP0JSQfpBtnBDApZwMuLtS/view?usp=sharing District Tech Talk Recording [Spanish session]: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Uq6ceJDD8MOjQVrbBTnFrYB9fsmIzrvM/view?usp=sharing
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Wednesday October 28th Free Flu Shots available at the Five Towns Community Center from 2:00-8:00 pm
about 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Lawrence Families Thank you to our Hybrid families for their compliance with the yellow zone testing requirements. We will be open for in person BLUE cohort ( and our daily blue and gold learners) on Monday November 2nd. Please see more here : https://www.smore.com/wx782 Stay well Thank you Dr. Pedersen
about 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Join us for our upcoming "Parent Tech Talk" on GoogleMeet. We will go over Google Classroom, Google Apps, and other platforms being used by your students. We will host 2 sessions, one in English & one in Spanish. The session in English will take place on Monday, October 26th at 7PM. The link to join the English session is: https://meet.google.com/rox-ziev-zke The session in Spanish will take place on Tuesday, October 27th at 7PM. The link to join the Spanish session is: https://meet.google.com/edv-gmkc-ctc
about 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
Tech Talk
Tech Talk
Want to download the Lawrence District 15 App to stay connected and informed, but don't know how? Watch this video to learn how: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1LyYPR0NB9edt5kUbrLpwEqBNCAyfdJL0/view
about 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
Lawrence Families Please see the link fir information regarding the yellow zone status of our schools. We will return to hybrid instruction as quickly and safely as possible. https://www.smore.com/ds4um Thank you Dr Pedersen
about 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Good afternoon Today at the news conference the Governor indicated all zones in the Far Rockaway area are now in the yellow zone. Given the fluidity and fragility of those number, Lawrence Public Schools will remain on full remote. We will review the numbers daily and determine mid week next week if we reopen for hybrid in-person on November 2nd. Thank you Dr Pedersen
about 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Lawrence Families We are still awaiting word on the Cluster Action Zones. Once we hear the updated status of the zones you will receive that news. Stay well and stay connected! Our learners are making great connections with our teachers via google classroom. Make sure the school has your email address to get daily updates on your child’s assignments. See more about our schools here https://www.smore.com/xarsu Thank you Dr. Pedersen
about 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
over 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
Adjustment to plan
Lawrence Families We have been mandated by the State to move to full remote learning from Friday October 9 until at least Friday October 23. Our hybrid learners have done a great job maintaining the protocols however the schools fall into the cluster action initiative of NYS. Your principals will reach out with details tomorrow. Please stay well. Dr Pedersen
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Entry procedures throughout the Lawrence School District are the first level of safety protocols. Thank you to all our families and staff for completing the Health questions DAILY and for STAYING HOME IF SICK! Together we will stay well.
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Temp checks
Dear Lawrence Families, The district was notified this afternoon of 2 positive COVID-19 cases. One case involves a student in the Pre-K program. The second is a staff member at Lawrence Primary School. Please see the following letter for more information: https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/950946/Notified_of_Positive_Case_-_COVID-19_-_Primary__2_School_and_UPK_-_10.02.2020.docx.pdf
over 4 years ago, Lawrence School District
Good morning Lawrence - out of caution, Lawrence Primary School will be full remote today, Thursday. No In- person for PRIMARY ONLY Please see link. Thank you, Dr Pedersen https://www.smore.com/q9u37
over 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Dear Lawrence Families, Please see the following letter regarding a positive COVID-19 case at Lawrence Primary School. The school remains open based on Department of Health Guidance. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/948351/Notified_of_Positive_Case_-_COVID-19_-_Primary__2_School_-_9.30.2020.pdf
over 4 years ago, Lawrence School District