Kindergarten Multicultural Day! We celebrate our beautiful differences each and every day!
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Multicultural Day
Multicultural Day
Multicultural Day
Multicultural Day
**REMOTE FAMILIES ONLY** will be able to exchange their old Chromebook and charger tomorrow, TUESDAY, JANUARY 19th from 7:30am-9am, 12-1pm or 3-4pm! Please be sure to bring your childs chromebook & the charger. We will NOT be able to give you a new chromebook without the old chromebook and charger! Parents will wait outside of the school building for the exchange. Please wear a mask & watch your distance! Thank you for helping keep our staff & families safe! . . ** LOS ESTUDIANTES REMOTOS SOLAMENTE ** podrán cambiar su viejo Chromebook y cargador mañana, MARTES, 19 DE ENERO de 7:30AM - 9AM, De 12 - 1PM O de 3 -4PM! Asegúrese de traer el Chromebook y el cargador de su hijo/A. ¡NO podremos darle un nuevo Chromebook sin el antiguo Chromebook y el cargador! Los padres esperarán fuera del edificio de la escuela para el intercambio. ¡Use una máscara y cuide su distancia! ¡Gracias por ayudar a mantener seguros a nuestro personal y familias!
almost 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Lawrence Friday January 15th We had no cases today reported districtwide today. Monday school will be closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. The commUNITY coalition will have a special event Monday evening with guest speaker Dwania Kyles who was part of a group of 13 first graders during desegregation of the Memphis Schools. The link can be found on I hope you will join us. Thank you and stay strong, safe, and kind. Dr. Pedersen
almost 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
*NO SCHOOL MONDAY* Celebrated on the third Monday in January, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is a national holiday that honors the United States' most famous civil rights activist. It is a significant reminder to spread PEACE, HOPE & LOVE - a message more crucial than ever. As stated in a Kid President Video, "Some days are hard, but he kept going. Love does that, it just keeps going even when things are dark." Please discuss with your children ways they can change the world to be a better place, just like Martin Luther King Jr.! * LUNES NO HAY CLASES * Celebrado el tercer lunes de enero, el Día de Martin Luther King Jr. es un feriado nacional que honra al activista de derechos civiles más famoso de los Estados Unidos. Es un recordatorio importante para difundir PAZ, ESPERANZA Y AMOR, un mensaje más crucial que nunca. Como se dice en un video de Kid President, "Algunos días son difíciles, pero él siguió adelante. El amor hace eso, simplemente sigue adelante incluso cuando las cosas están oscuras". Por favor, hable con sus hijos sobre las formas en que pueden cambiar el mundo para que sea un lugar mejor, ¡como Martin Luther King Jr.!
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Friendly reminder that ECC Multicultural Day is on Friday, January 22nd! Hybrid A & B learners are encouraged to send in the decorated flags on cardstock to display ! Remote learners, remember to have your flags ready to share for your live learning session on Friday OR parents are welcome to drop off the flag for the wall display! We will celebrate each childs' uniqueness whether they are home or in person! On Friday, January 22nd, your child is welcome to dress in clothing that represents your culture! Hybrid or Remote, near or far, we are ALL a part of the Lawrence Cultural Mosaic & proud ! . . ¡Recordatorio amistoso que el Día Multicultural de ECC es el viernes 22 de enero! Se anima a los estudiantes de híbridos A y B a traer las banderas decoradas en cartulina para exhibir. Aprendices remotos, recuerden tener sus banderas listas para compartir para su sesión de aprendizaje en vivo el viernes O los padres pueden traer la bandera para la exhibición en la pared. ¡Celebraremos la singularidad de cada niño, ya sea en casa o en persona! ¡El viernes 22 de enero, su hijo/a puede vestirse con ropa que represente su cultura! Híbrido o Remoto, cerca o lejos, ¡TODOS somos parte del Mosaico Cultural de Lawrence y estamos orgullosos!
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
cultural mosaic
Lawrence Thursday January 14th Good evening. Lawrence had no reported cases today. We have approximately 40 staff and students district wide that are continuing their quarantine. The cooperation of all members of our learning community shows the strength of this beautiful community. Thank you. Dr. Pedersen
almost 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
3 ws
All Kindergarten students will be receiving NEW Chromebooks that are touch screen! Hybrid Cohort A students who attend in person tomorrow MUST bring in their old Chromebook AND CHARGER before getting a new Chromebook! Cohort B Hybrid & Mrs. Gordon's class will receive their new Chromebooks on Tuesday in class! Remote students will be able to exchange their old Chromebook and charger on TUESDAY, JANUARY 19th from 7:30am-9am, 12-1pm or 3-4pm! Please take care of these new devices and keep them safe! We are grateful to Superintendent Dr. Pedersen for the gift of this new technology so our little learners can easily access learning programs and materials! . . ¡Todos los estudiantes de kínder recibirán NUEVOS Chromebooks con pantalla táctil! Los estudiantes de la cohorte A que asistan en persona mañana DEBEN traer su antiguo Chromebook Y CARGADOR antes de obtener un nuevo Chromebook. ¡La clase Cohort B Hybrid y la Sra. Gordon recibirán sus nuevos Chromebooks el martes en clase! Los estudiantes remotos podrán cambiar su antiguo Chromebook y cargador el MARTES 19 DE ENERO de 7:30AM. - 9AM, de 12 - 1PM. O de 3 - 4PM. ¡Cuide estos nuevos dispositivos y manténgalos a salvo! ¡Agradecemos al Superintendente Dr. Pedersen por el regalo de esta nueva tecnología para que nuestros pequeños aprendices puedan acceder fácilmente a programas y materiales durante el aprendizaje!
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Estimadas familias de ECC, Mientras persiste el estrés de COVID, quiero asegurarles que estamos tomando precauciones muy en serio en nuestra escuela. El lema de nuestro distrito es usar su máscara, lavarse las manos y cuidar su distancia. Además, le agradecemos por completar el cuestionario de salud diario que se monitorea todos los días a medida que los estudiantes llegan para recibir instrucción en persona. Como recordatorio al completar el cuestionario de salud, su hijo/a debe permanecer en casa si está enfermo, ha estado en contacto cercano con alguien que dio positivo en la prueba de COVID o si recibió una prueba de COVID positiva. Si su hijo/a tiene un hermano en otro edificio o alguien en la familia está experimentando síntomas o ha dado positivo en la prueba de COVID, le pedimos que mantenga a su estudiante en casa. Comuníquese con la escuela para fines de asistencia. Los estudiantes pueden seguir participando de forma remota desde casa. Ya sea que su hijo/a esté programado para asistir a la escuela híbrida, azul o dorada, o todos los días, debe asistir al aprendizaje en persona según lo programado, a menos que esté enfermo o alguien de la familia esté enfermo. Para aquellos estudiantes remotos, es importante iniciar sesión diariamente para recibir instrucción, ya que estos primeros años escolares son imperativos para todo aprendizaje futuro. Continuamos agradeciéndole por su apoyo mientras navegamos el año escolar y hacemos que este sea un éxito para todos nuestros estudiantes. Mantente seguro y saludable!
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Dear ECC Families, As COVID stress lingers on, I want to reassure you that we are taking precautions very seriously in our school. Our district motto is wear your mask, wash your hands, and watch your distance. In addition, we thank you for completing the daily health questionnaire which is monitored each day as students arrive for in-person instruction. As a reminder when completing the health questionnaire – your child is to remain home if he or she is sick, has been in close contact with someone who has tested positive for COVID or if they have received a positive COVID test. If your child has a sibling in another building or anyone in the family is experiencing symptoms or have tested positive for COVID, we ask that you keep your student home. Please contact the school for attendance purposes. Students can continue to participate remotely from home. Whether your child is scheduled to be in school hybrid, blue or gold, or every day, he or she should attend in person learning as scheduled unless he or she is sick or someone in the family is sick. For those remote students, it is important to log on daily for instruction as these early school years are imperative for all future learning. We continue to thank you for your support as we navigate the school year and make this successful for all our students.
almost 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Some Lawrence staff , identified as NYS group 1A , have started to get the vaccine. This is very good news and we anxiously await vaccines being made available to our teachers, staff, children, and families. I’m pretty certain we all want one of these “ proof of COVID vaccination cards”.
almost 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Lawrence’s first vaccination! Nurse Susan Brooks from Lawrence Middle School proudly displays her vaccination band-aid and says “ We can do this America!” Today the county opened up vaccination for school nurses. We are delighted to see this process begin.
almost 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Nurse Brooks
Dear Lawrence Families, The district has been notified of positive COVID-19 cases (unrelated to one another). Please see the following letter for more information. Stay well!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Please complete the health app by 8am each day if your child attends in-person! This is to ensure the safety of all of students and staff. If your child is experiencing any symptoms listed, please be sure to indicate that on the app and keep your child home. If your child does NOT have any symptoms and has not been a close contact of anyone with COVID, please be sure to select " NONE OF THE ABOVE" in order to pass the Frontline Health App each day. . . ¡Complete la aplicación de salud antes de las 8 am todos los días si su hijo/a asiste en persona! Esto es para garantizar la seguridad de todos los estudiantes y el personal. Si su hijo/a experimenta alguno de los síntomas enumerados, asegúrese de indicarlo en la aplicación y mantenga a su hijo/a en casa. Si su hijo/a NO tiene ningún síntoma y no ha estado en contacto cercano con nadie con COVID, asegúrese de seleccionar "NONE OF THE ABOVE" / "NINGUNO DE LOS ANTERIORES" para aprobar la aplicación Frontline Health cada día.
about 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Happy New Year! We are excited to see our students whether in-person or remotely, beginning tomorrow, January 4th! We are excited to welcome back our Cohort B (yellow) in-person learners tomorrow! Please remember if your child is an in-person learner to complete the Frontline Health App by 8am each day! If your child has traveled out of the tri-state area, your child MUST quarantine for 3 days from the date of return and get a COVID test on the 4th day. With the receipt of a negative COVID test, your child can return to school. This is NYS regulations and we appreciate your help in keeping our school safe & healthy! [Please see Dr. Pedersen's post for more information] . . ¡Feliz año nuevo! ¡Estamos emocionados de ver a nuestros estudiantes, ya sea en persona o de forma remota, a partir de mañana, 4 de enero! ¡Estamos emocionados de dar la bienvenida a nuestros estudiantes en persona de la Cohorte B (amarillo) mañana! ¡Recuerde que si su hijo/a es un alumno en persona, debe completar la aplicación Frontline Health antes de las 8 am todos los días! Si su hijo/a ha viajado fuera del área de los tres estados, DEBE estar en cuarentena durante 3 días a partir de la fecha de regreso y someterse a una prueba de COVID el cuarto día. Con la recepción de una prueba COVID negativa, su hijo/a puede regresar a la escuela. ¡Estas son las regulaciones del estado de Nueva York y apreciamos su ayuda para mantener nuestra escuela segura y saludable! [Consulte la publicación del Dr. Pedersen para obtener más información]
about 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
New Year
Quarantine Reminders For travel out of the tristate - The traveler must, upon arrival in New York, quarantine for three days. On day 4 of their quarantine, the traveler must obtain another COVID test. If both tests comes back negative, the traveler may exit quarantine early upon receipt of the second negative diagnostic test. For CLOSE CONTACT NYS has now aligned with the CDC and quarantine is now 10 days or 7 days if a negative test is taken between days 5 and 7. Persons who come out of quarantine are advised to continue to monitor for symptoms for 14 days. Please feel free to email with any questions, these are certainly confusing times. Thank you
about 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Welcome to 2021! School will reopen on Monday, January 4th. Please remember to complete the health app, stay home if you have any symptoms, and follow quarantine guidelines for any travel you may have taken. With the vaccine on the horizon we are hopeful for the future, however we must remain mindful of safety protocols to keep one another healthy. Onward to a safe and healthy 2021! Dr. Pedersen
about 4 years ago, Ann Pedersen
Dear Lawrence Families, The district has been notified of 2 positive COVID-19 cases (unrelated to one another). Please see the following letter for more information. Stay well!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Good Morning! Just a friendly reminder that school is closed from December 21st to January 3! School will resume on January 4th! Happy Holidays to all our families and a Happy New Year! . . ¡Buenos días! ¡Solo un recordatorio amistoso de que la escuela está cerrada del 21 de diciembre al 3 de enero! ¡La escuela se reanudará el 4 de enero! ¡Felices fiestas a todas nuestras familias y próspero año nuevo!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq
Happy Holidays!
Tomorrow there will be Food Distribution at the Number 4 or Number 2 School from 9am-12pm! ¡Mañana habrá distribución de comida en la escuela número 4 o número 2 de 9 am a 12 pm!
about 4 years ago, Lawrence Kindergarten
Food distribution
Today, Thursday, December 17th is a SNOW Day! There will be no lives sessions. Tomorrow, Friday, December 18th will be a REMOTE day for ALL learners. All Kindergarten students will log on beginning at 10am! Please check your child's Google Classroom for the additional live session times scheduled for each learner! Wishing you a wonderful holiday season & Happy New Year! . . ¡Hoy jueves 17 de diciembre es un día de NIEVE! No habrá sesiones en vivo. Mañana, viernes, 18 de diciembre será un día REMOTO para TODOS los alumnos. ¡Todos los estudiantes de Kindergarten iniciarán la sesión a partir de las 10 am! Consulte el Google Classroom de su hijo para conocer los horarios de sesiones en vivo adicionales programados para cada alumno. ¡Les deseamos unas maravillosas fiestas y un feliz año nuevo!
about 4 years ago, Lisa Tariq